Wednesday, January 23, 2008

IUI Ultrasound

So today is cd 10, and I went in this morning to see if I responded to my Femara/Follistim cycle. I did! If I recall correctly, I had at least two good follicles, one was 18mm and one was 16mm. I think another might have been 14 or so. So I was instructed to do another Follistim injection tonight just to make sure they get a little bigger, take an OPK in the morning. If positive, call and we'll schedule the IUI right then. If negative, I'm going to do my trigger shot tomorrow night at 10 pm, and my IUI will be at 9 am on Saturday. I'm excited, anxious, unsure...all emotions wrapped into one.

Before the miscarriage, I was so focused on the goal of getting pregnant, it consumed me. Now I'm wondering if I should have kids at all. I know, I's a fine time to be wondering. I had a big ole freak out moment last night and had to get on my face and pray for peace. I know that whatever happens, God will prepare me and give me everything I need. With all the hormones racing through my body right now, I know that my little meltdown was probably just a hormone-induced frenzy, and that when I do find out I'm pregnant I'll be very happy. I pray that I'll be a good mother who raises her children to love the Lord our God with all their heart, mind, and strength. I pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, or babies! Praise God!

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