DH and I went in for our first IUI this morning. His numbers were excellent - 94 million, what a show off - and the IUI went off without a hitch. The only discomfort was very mild cramping while the fluid was being injected into the uterus. I didn't think that I felt the catheter being inserted, but it turns out I did. It wasn't painful or even uncomfortable really, just an overall feeling in my body that something was up. It was an overwhelming sensation. I didn't know that was why until the Dr. said, "OK, it went in the cervix with no problem."
So in 2 days I start progesterone supplements until 17 days from today when I'll have my first blood test for pregnancy. I'm glad to have the supplements, b/c I think my miscarriage was the result of insufficient progesterone. I'm not sure if I will be able to keep myself from testing at home before the blood test. I hope I can. I'm ok today, pretty much my mind has not been on it.
We got back home around 11 am and I went in to take a nap. Well, the nap turned into a 6 hour sleep. I guess all these injections have taken their toll. I have a wicked headache now as I type.
I'm unusually calm. I pray God gives me peace no matter what the result of this procedure is.
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